Well its been another busy few days, I have now discovered HubPages which is a free internet site that is similar to Squidoo. You can write an article or 2 post it through HubPages and earn income from the ads they place on your article.
Obviously for the benefit of using their format and search engine power they charge you through pinching part of the commission you get through adsense.
Trick is to get as high a ranking as you can so you get lots of traffic and lots of clicks on your adsense ads. Thing about HubPages is that there is a little share button at the bottom of the page and you can click on it and get all sorts of ways of sharing the fact that you have created a new hub. Thats what I used to post the last blog , effectively I just clicked on post to blogger and it did it for me, cool eh.
So HubPages is definitely tied in a bit closer to Google than Squidoo, although to be fair you can do similar things with Squidoo.
Oh by the way I have just released another lens for World Wide Vehicle Registration Plates that is pure selling, plus a little bit of information on the world of number plates. But as you can see I am having to put it in blogger manually, that said all the other links that Squidoo use are the same as HubPages.
Anyway if you like number plates for collection or you need some new ones for your car it is probably worth a visit.
The other thing I have been doing this week is sorting out some new software on my website that creates a reciprocal linking page. The theory is that once you have got this set up , you can access a huge list of other sites looking for reciprocal links and if your websites have something in common you can agree to link to each others sites using the reciprocal link software. What it does is categorize and list all your links on the page they created on your behalf.
I have to say this took a bit of sorting out for 2 reasons, my host only supports one of the options they offer and that is Perl which I have never used before, so fun and games there. Secondly I use Dream weaver to upload my websites and guess what they don’t support Perl, so it was cut and paste in Notepad to get it done.
It’s all working now though so I am out to court, we will see how things go and whether it was worth all the trouble of getting it loaded onto my website. A note of caution, its not worth sticking any old link on, search engines are big on relevancy and if they think you are linking to non-relevant sites then they will penalize you, which isn’t exactly the point of the exercise.
Got to go now, my new lens just got promoted to being featured from being work in progress, that means I can go and publicize it and join groups etc to give the lens an even higher ranking.
So better do it quick before they change their minds also lets you off to go and look at some of the new stuff I have done.