Check Page Rank on All Blog Posts and Website Pages
Checking the page rank on individual blog posts or web pages is a great way to get an insight into what are popular topics from the content you publish. This is not always easy to accomplish when there are multiple pages or blog posts to consider. Many people simply trawl through the individual URL’s checking the page rank on an individual basis.
There is usually a solution to most problems on the Internet and page rank checking is no exception. This one was not as straightforward as simply finding a Plugin or extension to do the job but there was a script available that essentially uses an XML sitemap to identify all the required pages and another one that pulls the associated PR for those pages. Putting the two together was a stroke of genius and how it was done is described on the Page Rank Checker article.
The end result of following the instructions detailed in the article is a very useful Multiple Page Rank Checker that simply requires an XML sitemap to run it.
Visit the blog post check page rank for more information on creating site maps for WordPress Blogs or find out how to create a sitemap for your web design using this link.